Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This little piggy went to market..

Okay, so, I realize no one reads this probably, but I still feel the need to make excuses for my lack of blogging. I caught swine flu, somehow, so mostly I've been laying in bed feeling sorry for myself the last few days. The nice thing was, I had some time to catch up on comics (even though I haven't read some tie-ins yet, it's ridiculous that I even put off things I like). I was really impressed by whoever inked the latest Flash comic, as was Debra. The yellows and oranges and reds were so ridiculously vivid. Van Sciver? Who is this guy? The colorists never get any cred, but I would like to extend some kudos to you, man.

Er, I don't want to say too much because I'm sure we'll do a video soon. I do want you to know that I'm investing in a decent camera, and there will be events coming. At least one event - counting down to September 25th - the night of all nights - the battle for Act II of the Protomen. Debra won't be there but I'll take lots of photos for her and any sparse readers we may have, and THEY WILL BE EPIC. Also, in October we're going to the Nashville Comic and Horror Festival, hopefully dressed up as Zatanna (me of course) and Batgirl/Ivy (someone can't decide). Sometime next week we're visiting Big Don the Costumier's in Old City, which looks very promising according to my new favorite Knoxville blog, The Sunsphere is Not a Wigshop. If I don't find a coat with tails.. Well I don't know. Any advice?

Anyway bloggerville, it was good to keep up correspondence again. I will see you soon.

Aria, soon-to-be Zatanna

1 comment:

  1. I remember Big Don's, it was a decent place the last time I went. My mom had me playing the part of a bear in a little skit she put on, and the costume was pretty decently done. Not too cartoonish, but not falling apart or anything.
