Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Attention: a hobbit has hacked into your blog

Hello all, this is Debra's tiny roommate, Kim. Y'all may remember me from the Protomen concert, I was the only who got pulled onstage (and yes that was hella fun). I've kinda-sorta-in-a-roundabout-way contributed before here at Girls Dig Comics Too; I showed Debra the picture of the Star Trek cologne and the Lex Luthor cake picture. Because while I may not be particularly funny, I tend to find pretty funny things online. So now this will be a tiny (pun intended) corner of this blog where I post pictures/vids that make me laugh. And I shall dub it
"Kimberly's Corner of Crack."

So for my first KCoC, I give you some good 'ole Zachary Quinto (because he plays both Sylar and Spock. Bow down to his epicness):

Because throughout the first half of that movie, all I could think was, "Sylar is Spock Sylar is Spock Sylar is Spock" (original, I know?). And this moment pretty much captures the epitome of my glee.

Damn. He is so creepy. Even when you laugh at him. Funny picture please!

This is kind of like dead baby humor- you feel bad about laughing at it, but it's still funny. I didn't know if it was too creepy to post, but Debra laughed, so I figured it was ok.

Hehe. It's a pun. Hehe.

*English major is easily amused*

So I've finally posted here, and I feel accomplished!

Yes, I do feel as accomplished as Hiro did when he traveled through time and space. Just for future reference.

As soon as I figure out how to post vids, I will do that. Hopefully at least one of these made you laugh a geeky laugh. I know Spock's milkshake gets me every time.

Cheers, Kim

1 comment:

  1. hahaha hilarious pics! and i personally LOVE Quinto; he's so effin hot!...and creepy; that's a plus too. i like this corner. :)
