Monday, August 24, 2009

Comic Class: Day 2

Ok, so as mentioned in the vlog the lovely Aria and myself are in a comic class as a freshman interest course. You might have noticed this says day 2 as well... that's because we only came up with our nerdy little blog sometime around Thursday and it is a Monday/Wednesday class.
So a run down on day one...

what do you see? nothing? my how correct you are! absolutely nothing interesting happened. in fact, I think Aria and I had a few hopes and dreams crushed that day. We ended up being the only avid comic book fans in the class, a few were all otakuish (and there's nothing really wrong with that) but otaku fans do not make a compelling comic class. One dunce who we call a classmate even bragged about not reading ANYTHING for 4 years, yesh! Wonder who's going to drop out by the end of the semester. Regardless I'm sure you get the feeling that we left disappointed and frustrated.

So drum roll please......

Day 2
We enter the room with no hope, no thought that this will be taken at all seriously... and for the most part we were right, but in my opinion there is some light in this darkness, some kids genuinely seemed to like it or at least know minimal background information that could lead to a real interest and then poof we wouldn't be the only people in the class who actually go to the comic book store once a week!!!!
Ok for those of you who don't know we're reading

[If you've never read it or need a refresher, there's a good summary at]

So, anyone follow that mess of crazy? it's different that's for sure, but at the time this was like Batman's chance to rise from the ashes of campy trash and become a real boy! excuse me I meant comic..... this story basically redesigned Batman and without this story Batman probably wouldn't exist today as we know him... ( well obviously things have changed a bit with Dick taking over the role after Bruce's death... but you get my drift). This is a darker Batman then the world was used to, edgy and new, he was an alcoholic, he was violent, he was old, and he was vicious, with all the smarts to take down the Son of Krypton, control a rabid gang with tendencies to flip-flop worse than Kerry, and fake his own death. Batman:The Dark Knight Returns raised the bar for writers of the series. (interesting to note that while this Bats isn't exactly the GOD DAMNED Batman, it seems he is a reference point for the All-Star freak that Miller calls Batman)

Back to class:

We touched on a lot of things but only scrached their surface but they showed promise...

Backstories were discussed

Continuity and how things were changed because of this book

Why Superman is such a useless character most of the time (and such a douche in this book)

We touched on the relationship between Bats and his rouges (mainly Bats and the Joker, on which I will have a lengthy discussion on later)

We even spoke of the awesomeness of one armed Green Arrow firing a Kryponite arrow with his mouth.... UPSIDE-DOWN looking kinda like a deranged Santa actually....

but we got somewhere the people were thinking about the comic, so I was happy

The Professor knows some of what he's talking about I will admit, but unfortunately not because I think he's genuinely interested (not that he isn't but his dominant reason would probably be...) only because he had to Wiki it for his powerpoint (that wasn't horrible but lacked a true subject other than Batman covers through the decades)

To end thing here are a few panels that I found amusing/liked/made me laugh/go wtf

Taking Knight to the next level

sorry about the sideways guys... but Selina Kyle as... A WHORE...dressed as
Wonder Woman

Haha! Take that lame ass 80's hairdo female Robin

Hold it hold it does that say what I think it does, lets zoom in!

What the hell? The Comissioner is a pedophile???? seriously what the hell!!??!!

And with that my dears I'm logging off to watch some old StarTrek eposodes
Hope I didn't offend
Much love

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